Beat the Heat This Summer

beat the heat this summer

The time of the year is back again where one feels the extreme heat. The start of summer is one season which people, especially in North India, are dreadful about. Although the sun is a good source of vitamin d and one should receive adequate sunlight, but the sunlight can be unbearable at certain times.

A resident from any relatively colder city may find it difficult to survive in this type of environment if the body is not very habitual to it.

Said that a lot of people come to cities like Delhi or other metros in search of jobs. First of all during this time of summer, they have to bear the extreme heat, sweat all day, can’t go out for meetings, basically, whatever one has to do they have to manage inside the office.

So what happens, in this kind of environment you need to take care of your body more than what you do in other days. Especially, the diet pattern that you follow regularly needs a kind of proper check so that you don’t feel sick and your body’s metabolism is working fine.

When I talk of extreme heat, it’s the time when the temperature crosses the mark of 46 nowadays which is why we also blame global warming for. This mark used to be less say a decade or two earlier.

a guy satisfying his thirst in hot weather

We need to take care of our body so that we don’t suffer unnecessarily later on. We can do the following things that everyone can do.

  1. Drinking a lot of water and other liquids: Water, when taken in appropriate quantity, can actually work wonders, not only in summer but in general also. Water helps you digest the junk you intake all through the day. It’s seen many people usually don’t have an adequate water drinking habit. As a daily task, it would be great if we make a habit of drinking at least an adequate amount of water every day at least 10 glasses.
  2. Avoiding going out in peak time of afternoon: Often we can’t resist when we have to go out for any activity of some sort. I understand going out in hot weather for important routine activities is mandatory but we need to avoid going out for activities which are not so important and can be avoided. Maybe 20 years back, this kind of hot weather was unseen, which is not the case now.
  3. For Nonveg lovers – It would be recommended to try avoiding nonveg dishes for some days till the time of extreme heat. As what happens is, by having nonveg food, it produces more heat in the body which again can make you feel uncomfortable. Rather have something that is light on the stomach and that is not very spicy. Or if you want to taste nonveg, avoid it in the afternoon.
drinking adequate amount of water
drinking adequate amount of water

I believe with all these small steps mentioned above, one can save oneself by the consequences of extreme heat by taking adequate precautions. These basic things when followed can be helpful for your health.

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