Home Remedies To Lower Blood Sugar

Home remedies to lower blood sugar

We have seen one has to fight many diseases today than what it has been 2 decades ago.

Still, some problems or diseases affect the lives of thousands of folks and it puts a full stop to the lifestyle that one has been following during all those years and before.

Sugar is one such disease which is infamous to affect many many people. But on the other hand, we should also be careful as far as possible to take necessary precautions so that one disease after other doesn’t pile up.

It is believed that in India more than 60 million have been diagnosed with diabetes, some of them are unaware that they are suffering from it. While in the US, out of 300 million Americans, 30 million have diabetes. Until and unless people think that this is a problem, it is going to get worse.

The concern is that this is not happening in India only; rather this is a major issue in some western countries which is troubling lots of people.

Type 2 Diabetes

There are two types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2, Most of the people suffer from Type 2. Type 2 diabetes is milder than Type 1 diabetes.

Blood sugar - diabetes
Blood sugar – diabetes

The pancreas makes a hormone called insulin. People with type 2 diabetes produce insulin, but their body doesn’t use it that much, therefore sugar level increase. People with type 2 diabetes often have extra weight around stomach, overweight generally, high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Amount of insulin is inversely proportional to Diabetes.

Our body is of utmost importance to us. We should not be very restricted in eating things however at the same time, we should also take care of our body and what we are eating. Today, most of the things we eat are containing sugar in some form or the other. So, to eliminate it from our diet will be a big question altogether that will this be practical enough?

However, we need to check where all and which all places we can cut down on taking excess sugar.

We should take care of our body and avoid junk food most of the time. Sugar increase, being one of the most common problems people face all around the world.

What Diabetes / Sugar intake does to you
• Accumulation of fat / Weight Gain
• Acne
• Depression
• Liver disease
• Kidney disease

Food or remedies that lower blood sugar

Karela Soup

Karela juice reduces blood sugar
Karela juice reduces blood sugar

Though it is widely known for treating many diseases, this thing is really beneficial in curbing your blood sugar levels. However, you need to be regular with its intake. Make it a part of your meal so that you get habitual with it. It also helps in weight loss when consumed for a while.


amla is good for reducing sugar
amla is good for reducing sugar

It can be instrumental to boost the immune system. It works as an antioxidant while it is rich in vitamin-c which is very good for the body. It has been observed to reduce the blood sugar level as one amla is equivalent to 2 or 3 times of many fruits for vitamin-c.

Unprocessed foods

unprocessed food for healthy diet and lower sugar
Vegan food background. Balanced food ingredients on a white background, top view. Vegetables, legumes for cooking healthy salad.

Unprocessed food or real food like Broccoli, orange, is far better when compared to the processed food we consume daily. Not only low in sugar level, but unprocessed foods also help in lowering the risk of heart diseases. People with the critical diabetic condition should make diet plans pertaining to inclusion of unprocessed foods in their diet plan.


It has been proved by numerous studies and one should avoid soda drinks and increase his / her water intake that can help in weight loss. All those people who have high sugar problem should increase water intake as it help flushes excess glucose.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera helpful in reducing sugar
Aloe vera helpful in reducing sugar

Aloe Vera gel is basically used by people for healing purposes. It can be taken with water and it helps in stabilizing and decreasing the blood sugar levels. An important thing to note is that a doctor should be consulted while taking aloe vera. It should not be consumed more than twice daily.

Fiber-Rich Fruits and Vegetables

Fiber Rich Vegetables good for health
Fiber Rich Vegetables good for health

Several foods are rich in fiber and play a major role in curbing the blood sugar level. Eg. Apple, bananas, mango, oranges.
It is believed that darker color vegetables are rich in fiber and help in cutting down blood sugar level. So, make a habit to makes these vegetables a part of your diet. i.e, Potatoes, spinach, broccoli.


Exercise lowers your blood sugar. Your body needs much more sugar intake/glucose when you exercise. So, in a way, this will surely decrease the sugar level. Aerobics exercise can be useful like walking, cycling in case you can’t go to the gym every day.

Eating Foods With A Low Glycemic Index

GI number is the number given to foods. It indicates how fast your body converts carbs into glucose.

Foods with a low GI is usually good. ( < 55). Foods with a low glycemic index include seafood, meat, eggs, oats, corn, yams, most fruits. Foods that are close to how they’re found in nature tend to have a lower glycemic index than refined and processed foods.

Conclusion and A Piece of Advice

This is to state that one should not cut down on sugar completely rather enjoy it in your favorite foods however occasionally. Otherwise, once the glucose level in your blood increases, it can have serious consequences.

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